I Got Hired is the revolutionary job hunt system that uses expert know-how, mobile technology andproven processes to join up your job hunt and put it in your pocket. I Got Hired : The Jobs Jungle uses the unique system of I Got Hired instructional cartoons andinfographics to walk you through the complex world of job hunting. From employers to agencies, JobBoards to Social Media, I Got Hired : The Jobs Jungle will teach you to: - Devise a ‘Channel Strategy’ specific to the needs of your job hunt - Use LinkedIn like a Pro - Become an expert at identifying & evaluating opportunities - Use Social Media to find the perfect roles & support your job hunt - Manage agencies, recruiters, job boards & personal networks like a pro - Sell yourself directly to carefully targeted employers - Make perfect professional applications & convert them to interviewsI Got Hired : The Jobs Jungle, is right there, holding your hand every step of the way. There are nobuzzwords, jargon or techno speak, just straight forward step by step advice written by a team ofinternationally renowned recruiters and HR experts. I Got Hired : The Jobs Jungle is full of simple,clear and transparent advice telling you exactly what to do, why you should do it and what to do next.